I found this on Jakey's MySpace page last night. It's a text conversation between him and a friend of his..It's SOO Jake. Hysterical!! I can't imagine where he gets his quirky sense of humor from. The rest below is all them.
this was when i was in school in vegas with my friend Ally!
Ally: Hi! I’m BORED=^..^=a cat for you
Jake: :)a face for you
Ally: }=(a demon for you[[compliments of Frank]]
Jake: ?I am Arthur, King of the Britains
Ally: I am Windextor, villian of windex
Jake: And the Crayola Wonder is your nemesis?
Ally: Absolutely!! And I am also Shin Kick Lass!! The Crayola Wonder’s sidekick!!
Jake: Shin Kick Lass? Who came up with that?
Ally: Brandon, of course.I am the Crayola Wonder’s nemesis and sidekick. Nice, huh?
Jake: So that means you and Julia beat yourselves?
Ally: Absoposilutely!!Picture that.freaking hilarious.hefer.
Ally: Fatty McFatFat
Jake: Mcow?
Ally: It’s what cats say!!Moo!?
Jake: Bang! Bang!
Ally: Did you just shoot my pig?All it did was moo and you shot it!
Jake: yep yep
Ally: Well bang! bang! to you too.now your dead!!
Jake: Starch Waffles
Ally: Horse Feathers
Jake: Lizard Wing!
Ally: Duck Soup!!
Jake: Spam Dong!
Ally: dorslefins and coocamunga!!
Jake: chinga la cabasa
Ally: farfenoogan soogan doogan!!
Jake: Spit hump.
Ally: Shnicklefritz!!
Jake: Panda Cake
(this was a conversation through notes that i had with Ally during reading.its much more hilarious in the moment!)
1 day ago
"Horse Feathers" and "Duck Soup" are Marx Brothers movies. Ally must have a brilliant sense of humor if that is her reference.
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