Tuesday, December 23, 2008


On the road. I hate roadtrips. Yeah yeah, I know I'm the only one,

I must admit driving thru the snowstorm last night was pretty cool.
Taking the Polar Express train to the North Pole and meeting Santa was
magical. 10pm snowball fights are awesome.

Listening to Cheech and Chong's Santa Claus and His Old Lady. Peeing
my pants. This never ceases to lay me out! On Donner, on Blitzen, on
Chewy, on Vato!!!

Can't wait to get back into the blogosphere after the holidays. I've
been so outta touch with everything goin on. Gotta a lot of catching
up to do. Miss y'all Dani, Swirl, Slick, Jill, Kari, Loralee,
Bloggess, Brian, Why Mom Drinks Rum, Sarah, Grace, Jenny etc..!

I'm bored. Time to go back and annoy everyone on Twitter again.


Swirl Girl said...

I love Cheech and Chong!

My brother and I used to recite the entire Big Bambu album (that was shaped like a van??remember?) -

have a good safe road trip!

Just Lisa said...

I must get this cheech and chong cd...

I'm glad you had fun with the play, but I am looking forward to your hilarious posts again!

Anonymous said...

I don't like road trips... I get antsy sitting in a car too long.

Travel safely!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Merry Christmas!

dani said...

i miss you, too, robin!!! enjoy your trip... cannot wait to hear all about it:)
much love,
ps travel safely!!!

I'm married. I have 3 kids. I have a big nose. Now go on and catch up.

Keep it nice or I'll post your email and make fun of you.


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