Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Robin You're Doing Great..Yeah, You Really Are..No Robin, You SUCK.

Rehearsed songs with the vocal producer this morning.."More erethral, more breathy, more airy" he says. Cool, I can do problem.

Rehearsed with my vocal coach this afternoon..."Your breathing is great" she says.."Love how airy certain parts sound," she comments..

Did our first full run-thru tonight. Thought the solo sounded good considering I'm not miked yet and the house audio is so unbalanced right now. Emotional, airy where it needed to be....As our director runs through his notes:

"Oh and Robin, your breathing was totally off tonight in your song, you need to work on more breath control".

Waa? Huh?



Weith Kick said...

yeah, comments like that suck. I've had them before. You think you're doing great and then BOOM! the director hits you with a zinger. Was your vocal coach there at the time listening? What did he/she think?

dani said...

i'd file the comment, r, and forget about it. ignorance is bliss:P

Anonymous said...

Ah, the joys of being "overcoached"?

Course, I ain't director material unless I'm filming the wife.

Wait...that's a little TMI.


Swirl Girl said...

everyone's a critic...

and can you Utube the commercial??

I'm married. I have 3 kids. I have a big nose. Now go on and catch up.

Keep it nice or I'll post your email and make fun of you.

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