Me: and my daughter would like a bowl of just plain pasta please.
Waitress: Sorry, we don't have that.
Me: What..Plain pasta?
Waitress: No.
Me: I see on your menu that you have several dishes with pasta served as a side...
Waitress: Yes, but it's covered with sauce.
Me: Very slowly Does it come OUT of the pot with sauce on it?
Waitres: No.
Me: Slower Once it's out of the pot, can someone just put it PLAIN in a bowl BEFORE it's covered with sauce?
Waitress: I'm not sure. Let me ask my manager. Walks away...
Me: What?!
Waitress: Yes, my manager says we can do that for her..Does she want butter on it?
Me: Wide-eyed and dumb-founded NO.
Paul and Hunter: Lots of snorting and snickering...
This one happened when Hunter was about 6 or 7
Me: and my son would like a scoop of the Superman ice cream in a cone.
Server: The Superman one? Hey kid, you know that's just vanilla ice cream with food coloring in it right?
Me: What? Why would you tell a kid that the ice cream of one of his idols is just food coloring? What purpose does that serve?
Server: Well...I just thought that he should know.
Me: WHY would you tell a 7 year old that? He's SUPPOSED to think it's Superman ice cream. Why would he need to know that? Don't ever do that again!
Server: I..uh....was just, uh...ok.
My mom, dad, Paul, and Jake: snort, snicker, giggles, sarcastic comments...
Hunter: Um, mom. What just happened?
5 days ago