Wednesday, October 15, 2008



scargosun said...

OMG! Did you do that!? Too funny!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious... I MUST go to the mall and depants all the mannequins (oddly that doesn't look right. I hate leaving misspelled comments, so if it is, I sincerely apologize)

dani said...

fess up, robin!!! were you the culprit??? bahahahahaaaa!!!

Robin said...

scarsgun and dani - hahaha..I'll never tell !!!

Grand Pooba said...

saw your comment on sarah's blog and had to say hi.


Shelly... said...

Is that a teenage boy mannequin?

Kelly said...

So...was it anatomically correct?!

Anonymous said...

i would be compelled to fix that. find a belt or a clip. i feel bad for exposed mannequins...

Robin said...

grand pooba - hola! thanks for poppin in.

shelly- i think it was a mannequin on the verge of puberty actually..

kelly- i dunno. i thought i might have been arrested if i actually checked.

monica - you're too nice. maybe you should start a support group for exploited mannequins who are harrased by moms with sick minds.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Low-rise jeans have gone too far.

Swirl Girl said...

my daughter was looking over my shoudder and cracked up at this saying 'who pantsed that dolly?'

I'm married. I have 3 kids. I have a big nose. Now go on and catch up.

Keep it nice or I'll post your email and make fun of you.

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